Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Campaign for Real Beauty

A couple of years ago Dove started a campaign. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is a global effort that is intended to serve as a starting point for societal change.This campaign was started to let real women know that they are perfect and beautiful just the way they are.

The campaign has done a great job of spreading the word. There are commercials and advertisements everywhere you look. It shows us that sometimes the media plays a negatice role in our lives. I believe natural beauty is the best, and that no matter what, everyone is beautiful.

This is a great video that shows it starts when we are young-- Dove is really doing a great thing for young people everywhere. It gives young people hope and excitement and most of all self esteem.


  1. you should also check out

  2. Thanks, I checked it out and it's pretty similar to campaign for real beauty.
